Monday, 22 February 2010

Are you board yet?

Rick Broadbent at The Times came up with a cracking idea the other day, and I reckon it's time to actively start lobbying the IOC.

You see, he suggested putting snowboarders in charge of the Winter Olympics.

And quite frankly, this is probably the best idea anyone's had as a long, tiring, controversial, exciting, boring, rollercoaster week one of Olympic action draws to a close.

First we had Japanese boarder and all-round dude Kazuhiro Kokubo getting up the noses of stuffy officials by wearing his official Olympic suit with shirt untucked, tie loosened and trousers riding pretty damn low. Or dressing like an, erm...snowboarding 21-year-old. None of his boarding team mates wore a tie on the plane home after Kokubo was forced to apologise.

Then it was the turn of French ace  Mathieu Crepel, who marked his big day of competition by drawing a comedy French moustache on his face to ease the tension and, well, just have a bit of a laugh really.

You see, that's the thing with boarders - they don't take things too seriously, know how to have a laugh, and even after slamming they'll pick themselves up and get on with it with a sense of camaraderie missing from so many other sports.

           Hanging out with Ski Sunday's Graham Bell and Ed Leigh. (Yes, I look like a sad fan boy and yes, I'm sunburnt at a Winter Olympics!)

While we are shaking things up, why not get Slopestyle into the Olympics, after its success at X Games, and give Britain's own Jenny Jones the chance to do her thing and win gold on the biggest stage. Chances are that it would be a better addition than the boarding PGS, adding to the big successes of Cross and Halfpipe.

I mentioned the wild popularity of Team Canada fashion the other day, and there's no doubt that Team USA have had their own success - the snowboarding team's Burton outfit has been by far the best gear in Vancouver this year, and the limited edition gear is already causing a buzz on the web as fans clamour for snowboarding giants Burton to release a commercial version of the team-only outfit.

 Members of the Team USA snowboarders. Picture: Martin Boyle

Ski Sunday's snowboarding guru Ed Leigh also suggests a more exciting version of curling, where people have to stand on the stones and risk life and limb for their game.

Now if that's not reason enough to get snowboarders in charge of the Games I really don't know what is.

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